May 4, 2021
New Times – Eyes on Miami: Jack Harlow, Tiësto, Swae Lee, and Others
By Eyes on Miami: Jack Harlow, Tiësto, Swae Lee, and Others
Eyes on Miami: Jack Harlow, Tiësto, Swae Lee, and Others
It's not easy having eyes all over the scene, being around to take in all the wild visuals at all the worthwhile places in the city. There are, however, those parties and gallery openings where a fortunate photographer can point and shoot. Every week, in collaboration with World Red Eye, New Times brings you a solid recap of all the recent experiences you might've missed around Miami. It's impossible to be everywhere, but, hey, we can try to keep our Eyes on Miami.
Kiki on the River Sundays
Kiki, do you love me? Because Miami sure does, as partygoers headed to the famous riverside party spot, Kiki on the River, for an epic night of celebrations.
Tiësto, El Alfa, and Dave Portnoy at LIV
Tiësto got down to business on Saturday night when he took over LIV for an epic set. El Alfa joined him in the DJ booth to get the crowd hyped up, while Dave Portnoy was spotted in the crowd enjoying the music and partying with friends.
Full Moon Party at Mayami
When the full moon is out, you know it's time to celebrate. On Saturday night guests headed to Mayami Mexicantina for some full-moon festivities in the heart of Wynwood, including breathtaking live performances, incredible music, and lots of partying.
Fridays at the Gramercy
The weekend festivities began early at the Gramercy on Friday night, as guests enjoyed food, cocktails, music, and live entertainment at the new American brasserie.
Paperfish Sushi Debuts In Brickell
V&E Restaurant Group and Fabric Group LATAM came together to introduce a new concept, Paperfish Sushi, to the Brickell dining scene with an invitation-only grand opening celebration. The new contemporary izakaya showcased its artfully crafted cocktails and Nikkei cuisine at the private event, highlighting an interplay of fresh Japanese and Peruvian flavors.
Swae Lee and Bow Wow at E11even Saturdays
When it comes to partying, no one does it better than E11even. On Saturday night Swae Lee took over the club for a high-energy performance that had the crowd turning up like never before, and even Bow Wow was spotted joining in on the fun and getting lit.
Haute Living Celebrates Nacho Figueras with Rolls-Royce Motor Cars at Villa Azur
Haute Living celebrated its most recent cover star world-famous polo player Nacho Figueras, with Rolls Royce Motor Cars at Miami Beach restaurant Villa Azur. Notable guests included Haute Living CEO Kamal Hotchandani, Seth Semilof, Romero Britto, Lennox Lewis, Amar’e Stoudemire, Blaise Matuidi, Alberto Tubilla Slim, Radmila Lolly, and John Utendahl. Guests also enjoyed a champagne parade in celebration of the polo player and a luxuriously fun time was had by all.
Loco Dice at Strawberry Moon
Saturday afternoon at Strawberry Moon was one to remember, as Loco Dice took over the decks for a funky poolside set that had partygoers dancing like no one was watching.
Menin Development and Clique Hospitality Launch Delray Beach Market, Florida’s Largest Food Hall and Art Experience
Craig Menin, Jordana Jarjura, Andy Masi, and Craig O’Keefe hosted a red carpet VIP preview night at their newest hospitality collaboration, Delray Beach Market, Florida’s largest food hall. Over 1,000 of South Florida’s finest gathered to experience crave-able bites, delicious cocktails, visionary art, and stylish pop-ups. Located in the heart of downtown Delray Beach, the gleaming 150,000-square-foot, $60-million destination is a show-stopper experience for food, art, and live entertainment aficionados.
Major Food Group Debuts ZZ’s Club in Miami Design District
Hot on the heels of opening the beloved CarboneMiami, critically acclaimed global restaurant company Major Food Group (MFG) is continuing its Florida expansion with ZZ’s Club, a Japanese restaurant and membership club in the heart of the Miami Design District offering cuisine of the highest caliber, personalized hospitality, and unmatched amenities.
New Girl from Huntersville Launches Spring/Summer Collection at the Miami Design District
On Thursday night, Tina Brehon launched her Spring/Summer 2021 collection for Girl from Huntersville, in the Miami Design District. Her runway show allowed the crowd to experience the physical pleasure of seeing clothes in motion while highlighting body positivity and inclusivity. Notable attendees included Pharrell Williams, Dave and Isabela Grutman, amongst other familiar faces.
Jack Harlow Pre Roll at Hyde Beach
Rolling Loud started the pre-festival celebrations early, bringing Jack Harlow to Hyde Beach for an insane performance on Sunday afternoon. The crowd turned up to his hit songs “Whats Poppin” and “Tyler Herro” and had the place going wild until sundown
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